Thursday, July 26, 2007

"My most valuable thing"

All of the people in the world have or has the most valuable thing.But for me, my most valuable thing is the the almighty god.I choose this particular thing because he is the creator and the most powerful in the whole world.We people was created by god and he is the only one who knows where and when we people dies.He is my stregnht everytime I have my problems.He healed me when I encountered those heartaches and loneliness in my life.He push me to become a better person.And to do good things like helping the people who are in need..... Except on that, lord is also my friend.They say that the dog is the man's best friend.But for me, lord is the best among the rest.Lord guide and tell me me what's the right thing to do.That's why I'm very thankful to him.Lord gaved me happy and strong family.Except from that, he gaved me good health and also good talents like playing instruments.I can't pay the good things that the lord give me.The only thing that I can give him is to serve by going to church every sunday. Without him, I can't do anything.I'm just like a robot.....